Dandelion Seeds

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Little updates. Also, I spoke at church!!!

2014-10-14 11.15.58

2014-10-16 13.19.23

2014-10-18 18.13.05

2014-10-21 22.20.59

Today is Orphan Sunday.Today is also the day that I spoke at my church for the first time!I talked about Haiti, about my heart, and shared a bit of my story.You can listen to the podcast here. I sound a lot less scared than I felt...I feel like God answers my prayers much faster in Haiti. It might be because I pray everyday all day long... In Canada, that doesn't happen. But I am practising!I am praying about heading to Haiti in December. I have been (informally) asked to go, so I am just trusting that God will provide the flights. I would REALLY love to turn 25 in Haiti... Just saying!We are still waiting to hear back about our non-profit status. I will do some MAJOR praying tonight about that project, among other things. Again, I am just trusting that God will make it happen if this is the time for it!I am completely overwhelmed with life right now. I was told that 3rd year of school was SO MUCH FUN.THAT was a lie.Maybe next semester will be more fun. I am just really glad that I have the classmates that I do, and that we can FINALLY see the end of this season!Friends, THANK YOU for being interested in my life. THANK YOU for supporting me, encouraging me, and cheering me on. I am convinced that most of you have NO idea how much I value you and your presence in my life. Without you, there are so many things I would have given up on ages ago. I would never have been confident enough to write a blog, or share my photos and stories, or even consider pursuing a non-profit or life in another country.YOU are amazing.YOU are beautiful.LoveLoveLove.