
our seeds…

what we are planting

Haiti is not an easy country - between the huge disparity in resources, the ongoing corruption in government, and the natural disasters, the people of Haiti have experienced trauma after trauma - and mental health is not something that is widely considered or spoken about. Trauma - whether physical or mental - changes how both the brain and the body work.

Teri-Ann has seen first hand the effects that these traumas have had on how well the people in Haiti are able to function and handle their every day lives.

We believe that trauma can be healed - and that access to the appropriate resources and therapy can change the trajectory of a person’s life. we believe that both trauma and healing are generational, and are passed down and around through families and social circles. We believe that trauma is often the barrier standing between an individual and their ability to thrive and to find joy and purpose.

we have a vision of a Haiti where high quality, effective therapy services are accessible to all - no matter what the circumstances. We want to see every person in Haiti have the opportunity to heal and thrive.

We are currently partnering with Middle Ground Haiti - a centre treating malnutrition holistically through inpatient medical care, education and sustainability programs, and mental health support. Teri-Ann is creating a recreation therapy program - first as an adjunctive treatment for the children being treated for malnutrition. This includes developmental assessments, creation and implementation of treatment plans, and ongoing evaluation and individual therapy sessions.

Our next phase at Middle Ground is to begin staff training in how to help with the therapy program, and how to run intentional, therapeutic playtimes with patients and their caregivers. These playtimes help children and caregivers bond, relieve stress, and work together on the child’s developmental learning. Our plan is to equip local staff well enough that they are able to run the majority of the therapy programs independently.

Finally, we will develop therapeutic programs and activities for the staff and caregivers - to help with skills such as stress management, emotion regulation, and grounding, and develop a sense of purpose, accomplishment, and connection.

Our dream is to continue creating and supporting therapy programs across Haiti.