Sad News, New Seasons

Hello friends,

It has been quite a while since I have sent out an update. Unfortunately, this update is not what we were all hoping for, but it is GOOD because God is GOOD.

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Teri-Ann Ross
Typical. Always.

I am tired.

Typical for living in Haiti, AND for all the transition that has been happening, AND all the changes that have occurred over the last year.

Typical for people who work with sick and dying babies - we have had 3 babies die in August because they came to us just too sick.

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Teri-Ann Ross
Hurry up and wait!


So much happens in a few months.

My foot was broken, and has healed (mostly).

I was evacuated out of Haiti, had other people move my stuff out of my old apartment, and then moved myself into a new apartment in the same neighbourhood in Haiti that I lived in before.

I made friends here who then left Haiti when the protests started, and while I returned, they did not.

After YEARS of thinking and praying about it, starting, stopping, and restarting - Dandelion Seeds is FINALLY actually a registered Canadian Charity! (Not going to lie, I may have cried after our first official board meeting)

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Teri-Ann RossComment

Can I be honest?

December has been a struggle.

I have felt pretty alone more often than not.

I feel I am COMPLETELY unequipped to fundraise - and this is the major thing that makes me feel like I am in this journey alone. I just want to get another job that pays, and work extra just to make ends meet, so I don't have to keep asking for support, asking for donations, asking for money - so I don't feel like I am alone and failing.

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Dear Haiti,

Dear Haiti,

It has been a whole month - and I still cannot believe I get to live here!!!

Everything is green - I am living amongst mountains and tropical plants - there are flowers cascading over the walls like waterfalls on my walk to work. It is like I am living in the city and in the country all at once - stores are a quick 5 minute moto ride from my home, yet there are goats, a couple of cows, and lots of chickens living in my neighbourhood. I do have to say, I don't love the dogs who howl at each other all night, and the moths that have decided to move in and then die on my floors.

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