Sad News, New Seasons

Hello friends, 

It has been quite a while since I have sent out an update. Unfortunately, this update is not what we were all hoping for, but it is GOOD because God is GOOD. 

My heart is so incredibly sad, but I am trusting that God knows what is best in EVERY season, especially the ones I am not happy about.

With the continued uncertainty in Haiti, and the consistent financial/emotional stress, we have decided the best course of action is for me to remain in Canada for the time being, and focus on fundraising and setting up a stable foundation for Dandelion Seeds. We want to make sure that we are as effective as possible, and taking the time to create the framework and programs that I will use in Haiti so that when I return, I can jump right into the work I have in front of me. 

I have learned so much in the last couple of years, and I have some very clear direction on where I want to go both with Dandelion Seeds and with life in Haiti.

The plan in this season is to get Dandelion Seeds set up and ready for me to return to Haiti in the next 12-18 months, although I will have to make a short trip down there before June to deal with everything left in my apartment. We will be maintaining relationships and continuing to partner with people on the ground in need of support in therapy services, as well as exploring opportunities and partnerships for our future in Haiti.

While our feet may not be on the ground in Haiti right now, our hearts and our hands will remain there, as we work to create a secure future for Dandelion Seeds in Haiti.

Your donations will continue to go towards supporting and creating therapy programs in Haiti, and we are excited to share more about our next steps and future plans!

I am so grateful for you support and encouragement - none of this work would be possible without you. 

All my gratitude,

Teri-Ann Ross

***If you would like to continue supporting Middle Ground in their fight against malnutrition, you can set up a monthly donation through their website - 

***If you would like to continue to support my dream of providing and supporting access to therapy in Haiti, you can set up a monthly donation here:

Teri-Ann Ross