I just want to, I just want to know.....

I have been in Haiti for over a month now - 33 days total.I forgot how hard it is to summarize a month in Haiti. It’s a lifetime and a day all at once.It has been non-stop since I hit the ground. We have had a full guesthouse for all of June. July is a little bit slower, which is both good and bad. It will be less hectic, but the income really helps keep New Life running.My childhood best friend came to visit Haiti last week for 5 days - it was SO good to see her, and to share a bit of Haiti with her, and have her meet the kids. Our visits are never long enough, and I wish we could have done more together, but such is life in Haiti. I am pretty sure she’ll be back again...!My mom arrives this evening for 7 days! I know she is not quite excited yet, but I am pretty sure the kids will completely charm her. Pray that we get some cooler weather, and that I can actually take her off the compound at least once!Just in case you were wondering, life in Haiti is not fun most of the time. It is hard, it is frustrating, it can be lonely, and the work just NEVER ENDS. People are constantly coming and going, and while there is a sense of community with each team that returns, that sense of community leaves when they do. The internet and time difference makes it just difficult enough to Skype with people from home, that I pretty much don’t Skype with anyone.I am realizing how badly I need to learn how to rest, and how to take time to recharge even in the midst of all the busy-ness. I am not good at it yet...But I would give up anything to be able to stay here. I am giving up anything to be here.My Creole/Kreyol is getting much better, but I still have a long way to go. I am good enough that the staff, and even people off the compound, actually try to help me learn! But by the end of the day, I can barely speak and understand English, never mind Kreyol.I have 2 whole months left, but I know that these months are going to go too fast. The more time I spend here, the more I love these kids, this staff, and this whole country. The more time I spend here, the less I miss everything in Canada. And the kids still ask “when are you leaving” as soon as I arrive.

“I just wanna, I just wanna know,

If you’re gonna, if you’re gonna stay

I just gotta, I just gotta know

I can’t have it, I can’t have it any other way”

- Riptide, Vance Joy

I can’t wait for the day that I don’t have an answer to that question. I can’t wait for the day that I get to say “I am not leaving. I am going to stay”.I can’t even let myself think about having to leave again.

And this is what a happy Teri-Ann looks like.

This is what happy Teri-Ann looks like.

This is what happy Teri-Ann looks like.

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