Dandelion Seeds

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In the beginning...


Here I am thinking of doing this "blog" thing. I love reading blogs of other people. A lot of my friends have blogs.

I just don't know how I feel about ME writing on a blog... So here goes nothing!

Right now, my goal is to be "brave".

This means if someone invites me to go somewhere or do something, I say yes.
This means planning my fourth trip to Haiti. Alone.
This means going to a BCTRA (British Columbia Therapeutic Recreation Association) event.
This means applying for jobs I would love and be good at, even though I don't quite fit within the parameters that have been set...

This means starting a blog, because it's been on my heart and mind for some time.

Being brave can be surprisingly hard. But sometimes a girl has to stop just thinking about everything, and start doing stuff! 

So. Here we go!

PS -  check out some beautiful, hopeful music.