Dandelion Seeds

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"To be wrecked is what happens when God's plans slam into that comfortable life"
                                                               -Jeff Goins

Oh Facebook. How I love and hate you all at once. All the stupid requests, games and links that I don't want to see.

And then someone will repost an article or a video that just GETS me.

This video is called Wrecked, Guatemala.

And this video is about an organization called Church2Church, which started in response to the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

Both of these just hit me in the stomach.

I want to be in Haiti, in Uganda, in India, in Guatemala, in Mexico, in South America, ANYWHERE.

I want to work. I want to be with those kids. I want to be a part of bringing people to these places.

"WRECKED" is the perfect word to describe what these trips do to me.

Every time I go, I fall more and more in love with the people and the land of Haiti.
They are family.
They are friends.

They suffer and succeed, and all I want is to be a part of that, to share in every part of their lives.
I want to KNOW these people, their names, their hopes, fears, dreams.
I want to learn to live like them.

Don't get me wrong, I know that I am lucky. I am so lucky to have been born in Canada. I love Canada. I love the people in Canada. Even though things are not perfect, I love that things are run efficiently and democratically. A lot of places aren't blessed with the stability we take for granted. I am so lucky that I was able to move to British Columbia, and to be able to enjoy the beauty of the sun, the rain, the mountains and the ocean. There is nothing quite like being surrounded by the beauty found here. I love the people here. I love how the rain cleans away everything, and I love that, when the sun comes out, everyone makes time to just BE in the sun. I am so lucky to have found a school and a profession that FITS like nothing else ever has. I love that, I appreciate that, and I am thankful.

But I dream about Haiti.

I dream about working with people in places like Haiti.

I dream of working to help these people succeed.

I dream of breathtaking heat, the beauty that comes through the tragedy, and dark little hands in mine.

I dream of shy smiles, sitwon and a life-giving breeze during the evening devotionals that I don't yet understand.

Haiti has completely wrecked me.

The girl at the airport in August of 2010, waiting for the first plane out of Canada?

I don't know where she is anymore.

And I'm okay with that.

Check out Hime for Help, The World Race - 11 countries in 11 months, Adventures in Missions, or Hands at Work in Africa. These all have really interesting things going on. Do your research. Know what values an organization has, and what work they do, as well as what you are interested in, before choosing one over the other.
But just do it.
Jump in.
It's 100% worth it.