Dandelion Seeds

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Here I am. Send me.

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gSuxP9wza4 Here I am. Send me. I know most of my friends are not Christian, are not religious. I get it. Bear with me. I also know that I am not the "preaching kind".  My strength is not - and never has been - sharing my story, sharing the gospel/good news/Bible. I have been open about my beliefs and I love answering questions my friends have had. But I don't really approach people and I don't give people much more information than they are comfortable with and asking for. It is just not something that God has put on my heart. On the other hand - I want to go. I want to be the hands and feet that God uses to bless the orphans and widows, the underprivileged, the people who are suffering, the forgotten.I want to  travel and experience cultures. I want to hear stories and eat with people, and understand their lives. I want to work with people to help them succeed. I want to just love people.I want to sit in the dust with a child and MAKE SURE they know that they are loved simply because they exist. I want people to know that they are valuable, and that their experiences and their stories are valuable, no matter who they are, where they come from, or what their story is.I want my life to shine with God's love for people, whether or not I am talking about God.I want to help raise up leaders to work in their own countries, so that they don't need me anymore.I want  to live a radical life.I want to wash the feet of the poor.I want to be covered in dirt, uncomfortable.I want to live sacrificially.I want to fight for justice and equality.I want to be fearless.I want to radiantly burn with love. I want to be a missionary. Image Image ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage