Beauty in the Breakdown.

I have to say, I have a couple of friends that I am SO PROUD of (and a little jealous of). They made a committment to live and work in South Africa for a whole year. And now, 10 months in, they have decided to stay indefinitely.

I want to go visit them so badly.

I want to take a trip to Haiti, and I want to decide to stay indefinitely.

These are things I am contemplating and praying about.

This is the official "Announcement Blog", and the way Kristi writes about the process and the decision is beautiful. You have to read it. It brought me to tears.
But that isn't a surprise...

Here's just a part of the blog:

So let go, jump in, oh well what you waiting for? It’s alright ‘cause there’s beauty in the breakdown. – “Let Go” by Frou Frou

I wanted to get uncomfortable because I believe that it is only when we get uncomfortable that change and growth occurs. I wanted to overcome my insecurities (and what I deemed as my securities) and “jump into the cold water” – to get wet, to get cold and to force myself to come up for a deep breath of exhilarating air and scream out with surprise at the top of my lungs! There is beauty in the breakdown!

And there IS beauty in the breakdown.

I feel like I am chaos all the time in Canada. I have to be patient, but I don't know how. I can't keep things organized and tidy unless I REALLY work at it.

Often, I can keep school and work organized, but the rest of my life

                                                                                and scatters

                                              and gets lost.

In Haiti, chaos is. Everything is chaos. And that is peaceful to me. Being in the middle of the broken-ness is what makes me feel like I belong.
Nothing goes quite according to plan. Often, things turn out so much better than I could have imagined.

I let go, trust God to take hold, and wait it out.

There's beauty in the breakdown.

Three weeks.

Three weeks.

Three weeks.