This is something sacred. This is holy ground.

This is something sacred

This is holy ground
To come before our saviour
Laying down our crowns
I've been here for only a couple of days, and God is already teaching me.
I am really good at taking care of other people, making sure that I have more than enough to share. I don't know the team I am joining up with, I don't know where they're from or if they have even been in Haiti before.
I start packing extra supplies, so that I can be prepared for the team to NOT be prepared. Extra bottles of rubbing alcohol, extra medication, extra snacks... But my suitcase is almost 50lbs too heavy.
After taking so many things out of the suitcase that I feel I NEED to bring, my suitcase is still 60lbs. Now I'm going to have to pay for an extra piece of luggage (the guitar) AND an overweight suitcase. And I have 2 backpacks with my personal stuff that MAY be too big as carry on, but I can't risk them being lost. 
I am at the orphanage, alone, with 70 strangers. This is NOT the situation where I shine. I don't like large groups, never mind when I don't know any of them. 
And all of a sudden, I think of the story when Jesus fed two thousand with 2 loaves of bread and 5 fish. If everyone had brought a lunch with them, there would have been no need for that miracle. 
If we are always over-preparing, always taking care of everything ourselves, we don't leave room for God to bless us and perform miracles.
(I am not saying that God CAN'T perform miracles, or that He only blesses us when we ask Him to. I know that He can do whatever He wants to do, whenever and however He chooses.)
I am a bit overwhelmed by all the "blancs" at New Life. But a few minutes with the babies fixes that. And a few of the older kids recognize me and come to say hi. A good sleep helps. One of the ladies living and working at the orphanage comes to check on me today. Asks if I am lonely and tells me where her room is, in case I do get lonely. I feel better. 
I get through the border no problems. Everyone was SO nice. 
I get to the airport, the man takes my 60.4lbs suitcase and checks it. Tells me to take the guitar to oversize. Did not ask for any money. No one even looked at my carry on. The one time there wasn't room in the overhead bins, I had an empty seat beside me, so I didn't even have to be uncomfortable. The man in the aisle seat even suggests that I put my backpack under the empty seat.
ALL OF MY LUGGAGE makes it to Port au Prince, and in one piece! (I even think my suitcase will make it home in one piece this year!!!) 
Yesterday evening, the medical team I am joining arrived. This story of God's provision will continue when I join up with and get to know this team. 
My mom points out to me that, at the end of the meal, there were 12 baskets left. And 12 disciples. God provides abundantly where there is need. We just don't always notice the small ways that He works thing out. 
Please keep my eyes fixed on you
Please root my heart so deep in you
Keep me abiding
Keep me abiding
Keep me abiding so that I
So that I bear fruit