Dandelion Seeds

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Thanksgiving in Canada!!!

It is Canadian Thanksgiving weekend!!!

I am SO thankful that I was able to spend the holiday with family - a set of grandparents and an aunt and uncle.
I have a pretty amazing family, even with all the craziness.

Talking about Haiti and travel, hearing travel stories from other people, and reading all these blogs and articles that are travel related remind me of how much I LOVE travelling, and how much I miss Haiti. I want to go EVERYWHERE. At this point, my dream would be to set up my home in Haiti, and travel around from there.
Who knows. Maybe I will join MSF like my aunt.

I would go pretty much ANYWHERE, if the opportunity arose.
This makes sitting in a classroom really really hard some days.
Okay, most days...

I love knowing that there are so many people out there with a heart for developing countries - especially when they are my family!!!
I am inspired by the stories I hear and read, and how determined people are to continue with their work, no matter what happens.
I am inspired by their hearts, and courage, and dedication.
I am inspired by the people who know what they want to do, know the people that they connect with, and stick to that goal, whether it is local OR international work.
Or both...

I am so thankful that I have SO MANY people in my life that support, encourage and inspire me every day.
I am so thankful that I am going to school, even though it drives me crazy sometimes.
I am so thankful that I have been blessed with the ability to go to Haiti... Four times... And for longer trips!!!
I am thankful for the number of people who are ALWAYS excited about my trips, ALWAYS ready to hear stories, ALWAYS asking questions, and ALWAYS wanting to know how to get involved or help in various ways.
It's amazing.
Seriously amazing.

I obviously could go on and on about everything I am thankful for, but lets just leave it at that for now.

Thank you Jesus for blessing me so abundantly with and in this life.
I have no words.