I am Mennonite! Hear me.... Roar????
If I told you how many times I've written a post, and then not posted it, I don't think you would believe me.I have "filter issues". Sometimes, the filter doesn't filter, and sometimes the filter doesn't let ANYTHING through.I'm working on getting that straightened out.School is back in full swing now. I am so so so hoping that this semester goes better than last. At least, stress wise. I am so glad that I had time over the winter break to breathe and think and begin to feel like a human being again. To look at the end goal again, and remind myself why I decided to come back to school. A girl needs those days sometimes.One afternoon over the break, I found myself in a small town in Manitoba with about 30 members of my extended family. Most of whom I really don't know (I'll be honest. I didn't know everyones names...). But to chat with them, and have several people (from a conservative Mennonite background) hear that I want to move to Haiti permanently, and have each of them encourage me??? So amazing. None of those practical questions like "how are you going to support yourself? can you get a job down there? how long is the longest you've been down there? what makes you think you can live there? isn't it dangerous?"Not one single person said that. Everyone said (in effect), "God is sending you there. We are supportive and praying for you. We are behind you 100%."Wow.I didn't realize how much I needed that, even though they are extended family members that I don't really know.I shouldn't be surprised.Mennonites have faith. Mennonites are workers. Mennonites support missions work. Mennonites create relief aid organizations, long term development organizations, and organization for peace and social justice. Mennonites take action, even just a quiet little action. Mennonites often act under the radar, not asking for attention.I am Mennonite.So awesome.I want to take action.I am taking action.I have JUST under 2/3 of the money I need to get TO Haiti this summer.I have no money to get back yet to Canada yet.... I figure SOMEONE will decide I need to get back to finish school, right?I have been fighting with finding the 'balance' in my life. I am taking 5 classes each semester, volunteering with Youth Unlimited one evening a week, and volunteering as youth leader and worship leader/team member at church. AND trying to get Dandelion Seeds rolling.I would love to be able to work and pay for my own ticket to Haiti. I like being independent. I like taking care of myself.BUT the I wouldn't be able to volunteer like I do. I wouldn't be able to take full time classes like I do. Or I wouldn't be able to even THINK about creating a non-profit/charitable organization.Priorities, people.So here I am. $386.20 donated towards my flight to Haiti.Waiting on God to provide the rest.Waiting for God's hands and feet (ahem.... CHRISTIANS) to be just that - God's hands and feet.(Some of us are called to go, some of us are called to support in various ways.)But I am a Mennonite, and I have faith, and I work hard, and I believe in the value of missions, and I believe in relief aid and development work and peace and social justice.I take action, quiet little actions that don't look like much, that float under the radar.But I do ask for attention, for Haiti, for my friends and family, for the kids, the people living in poverty, the people who can't escape the misery. For the people that have joy pouring out of them in the midst of it all. For the people who have resilience I can't even imagine needing. For the people who have God's light shining out of them.
And I just want to be in Haiti.18ish weeks until Haiti.