65 days.
There are 65 more days of waiting!65 days of preparation and planning.65 days to finish fundraising.65 days of work work work.I need help fundraising. So bad. I have finished the school portion of my second year of school, and pretty soon I will be starting my practicum on an Adolescent Psychiatric Ward. I am nervous but SO excited to work with the staff and the youth. It will not be an easy placement.But no placement is really that easy.Maybe it's my "Recreation Leadership in Small Groups" class that is talking here, but all of a sudden I am noticing how people around me act and interact in different situations. And how their decisions create situations that change how they react to life. This all sounds muddled. But basically, I am pretty satisfied with the decisions I have made - everything I have said yes to, everything I have said no to. Everything I have pursued, and everything I have walked away from.There have been some pretty painful, scary decisions.There still are painful and scary decisions happening.There will be painful and scary decisions for the rest of my life.
And life is beautiful and exciting because of those decisions. If life was easy and fun all the time, I would be completely bored with life. I want a life that requires courage and determination.I am so thankful for all the people around me that also choose a path of adventure, of spending themselves, of sacrificing for the ones they love, of pushing forward through every difficult circumstance. I know amazing people.Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for sharing your lives with me.
Anyways, on this beautiful, rainy Saturday, I am supposed to be cleaning and getting my life organized.As my trip to Haiti approaches, I will probably start posting a bit more. All my excitement has to come out somewhere!!!And I will need some help getting ready.Don't forget about the Haiti bracelets I have - $5 a piece that will go directly to the people in Haiti!
Happy weekend, my friends!