Week 3 - Working Working Working

Today, I am a little bit burnt, a little bit tired, a little bit dirty, and a whole lot of happy.

From painting beds, to wiping runny noses, to finding new shoes for a couple of the boys, today was full and hot.

Can you believe I am actually starting to ENJOY MY FREEZING COLD SHOWERS?? Oh man. I almost took my shower instead of writing tonight...

And we have a fan that may have been the propeller of a small airplane in a previous life in our room... I definitely need my sheet at night now to stay warm.


As of today, I have been in Haiti for 3 weeks. I have approximately 10 weeks left....  Gah! I still can’t quite believe it! The kids keep asking when I am leaving, making sure that they are not just confused by my Creole.

“Ki lé w`ap prale?”

“When are you leaving?”

“August 20th

“Out ven?”

“Jen, Jiyé, Out?”        

“Wi. Yes.”

It makes me happy that they want to know how long I am around for, but it makes me sad that it is one of the first questions they ask me – that they ask everyone.


So far, this trip has been interesting. Not just what God is revealing to me, but also some of the work that I have done already.

I helped the older boys paint their house. I even was able to let them help choose the colors. I painted a bunch of beds that will be going to the “toddlers” that aren’t quite toddlers anymore and to the kids with disabilities. I have taken kids for TB tests (all were negative!!!), for x-rays and doctor’s appointments, I have gone shopping for the guest house, for Miriam, and for the Children’s Home, I have taken a man from Brazil to Cite Soleil with my friend Anacias, I have joined a couple of ladies to help feed kids at a school in Cite Soliel, I have sorted donations, helped teams get the water and food that they need for each day, changed diapers, bandaged a variety of cuts and scrapes, and sung many children to sleep in the clinic. I am leading worship for Miriam’s prayer meetings, and this week I will be leading worship for a team I have never actually worked with... And I still have my mornings under the mango tree with my guitar and coffee.

I was even sent to meet with a government official regarding the release of a box truck from customs! I did NOT bring clothes for meeting with government officials!!! I am PRETTY sure that God has an annoying sense of humor some days. Teri-Ann, going to talk to government officials in Haiti. Seriously. So weird.


I CANNOT WAIT to go up to the mountains in July! And I CANNOT WAIT to get back to Cite Soleil. I love New Life. It is home and it is my family. But I just have this huge love for the mountains and for Cite Soleil. They are opposite in almost every way – except for the level of poverty and disease. And I just love being in both places. I wish I could be everywhere all the time.


And for a little prayer request.

My friends, I have big dreams for Haiti. I have some plans that I need some serious prayer for/about. Just because they are big ideas does NOT mean that they are from God, and I don’t want to move on ONE SINGLE THING if God is not the one inspiring and guiding me. That being said, I’ve been meditating and praying about one plan for almost a year now.

Here’s something to think about along those lines. I know for a fact that Canada has its own issues to deal with regarding the foster care system. ->  http://jilliansmissionaryconfessions.com/2014/06/09/americavshaiti/


I have talked to Miriam about this a little bit, and I will let you all know if anything comes of this meditating and praying.


I love you all. I am hoping to take some time to take some pictures of the kids and New Life. Keep letting me know what you guys want updates on, and I will see what I can do!

