5 weeks (on Monday) and counting....

As a warning:I have no profound or insightful thoughts right now. Last Friday I was so so sick, and this week I am finally starting to feel like I have some energy and sparkle again. I am FINALLY thoroughly enjoying my food again, after a good 2-3 weeks of having to make myself eat.And I think we are finally over the waves a sickness. Thank you Jesus!We are all still feeling tired and slow. Thankfully it hasn't been TOO hot this week (in my opinion anyways, but some people might disagree...) and the flies are more numerous and annoying than the mosquitos are. We haven't had really any rain lately, so the evenings don't get too cold. Monday, a small group of us are heading to the mountains (Jolie Guilbert, Pestel, Caye la Salle, Cafe Yea, etc) to prepare for an upcoming medical trip. We are going to organize and clean, check out the feeding programs, count houses and kids, and assess the general state up there.Without Miriam.Oh my my.None of us are 100% sure of what we are really going to be doing, never mind how to do it, but that is okay. I am not worried. I do know that I will be bringing a sweater with me.I've been up in these mountains twice now, and both times we had to leave early because of hurricanes heading our direction. Maybe pray that no hurricanes come this time, or in July when we have the medical team. That would be great. The last 2 weeks, I got to join teams from Mission Discovery.They have a few different projects that they partner with, and one of them is in Capvva, a tent city on the fringes of Cite Soliel.I LOVE Capvva. I love the kids, I love the leader - Anacias, and I love the energy. Capvva can be completely overwhelming, and the kids are everywhere and grabbing and asking. BUT they always make a place for me to sit. They always make sure my seat is clean, or that my skirt is clean when I stand up again. They make sure that I don't just stand in the sun for too long. They make sure that other kids are listening to me, and being gentle.The kids are starting to recognize me there. It's a pretty wonderful feeling. And they are so beautiful and exuberant. Hearing them sing yesterday made my heart so happy. And having kids see me from across the crowd and demand to be taken to me is ridiculous. And then I come home to New Life, and I appreciate what the kids have here so much more. I love that they know me, know they can come to me and sit with me, know that if they are hurt or sick, I will walk with them into the clinic and wait with them. Can I just say, I am so thankful that it was so easy for me to get here this year? An aunt and uncle covered my flights. Miriam let me pick my dates (I also booked my tickets in January...). My old roommates are letting me store all my stuff in the basement until I find a new place to live in September. I have nothing preventing me from coming to Haiti whenever and however long I want, other than my school schedule. I don't have to work around anyone else's plans or needs back in Canada.The decisions I had to make to get to this place were not easy or fun, but now, I am sure glad that I made them. I won't be have access to internet at all next week, but keep me in your prayers! The mountains are beautiful and peaceful, but they are not easy. LoveLoveLove!  2014-06-10 13.17.31 2014-06-12 15.02.06 2014-06-15 15.32.30 2014-06-15 15.32.41 2014-06-18 16.18.33 2014-06-18 16.19.14 2014-06-18 16.19.48 2014-06-18 16.21.35 2014-06-18 16.22.28 2014-06-18 16.22.55 2014-06-18 19.51.22 2014-06-18 19.51.51 2014-06-18 19.52.19 Photo Jun 04, 12 36 12 PM Photo Jun 08, 3 11 54 PM Photo Jun 10, 10 10 13 AM Photo Jun 10, 11 08 36 AM Photo Jun 10, 11 53 02 AM Photo Jun 10, 11 54 04 AM